Interview Archive

Simon & Schuster 1 [10/9/2009]

Simon & Schuster 2 [07/29/2009]

Simon & Schuster 3 [07/29/2009]

three interviews from the publisher, all from around the same time. in particular, dj talks about the old forums on his website (as they were still up at the time) and says that the internet is wonderful for connection between fans. he also says that he'll miss writing about bobby and the others more and more as time goes on.

Author Magazine [07/19/2009]

dj talking a little about how he got the ideas for pendragon. this video mentions a "full interview" at the end, but i can't seem to find it anywhere else online.

Hollywood The Write Way [06/16/2009]

this was a live interview that includes a bunch of questions from fans. the most interesting thing here is that dj says that there was a pendragon video game in the works at one point. it was apparently going to be made by a big company that would also make a pendragon movie, and was in development for about two years before it fell through. he also mentions disney showed interest in making a video game at one point... makes me think what the plans for the game were like! he also mentions that in a pendragon adaptation, he would want the characters to be older in the beginning of the story.

Hollywood The Write Way [01/15/2009]

some fun questions about pendragon, particularly one about what dj thinks the main trios' best and worst traits are.

Seacoastonline [05/27/2008]

dj mentions here that carla speed mcneil (the artist for the graphic novel) was, in fact, working on the second book at the time. very sad that we never got to see it. also interestingly, dj mentions the equinox curiosity shop, a story of his that actually wouldn't come out until 10 years later in 2018. also, the writer compares bobby to holden caulfield, which i find kind of funny.

Kidzworld [05/25/2007]

here, dj refers to the last three books as a trilogy, implying that he thinks of those books as sort of separate from the rest of the series, which i find interesting (and very true). nothing much else to note here.

Writers Write [10/01/2004]

there's a lot of really interesting questions in this one, particularly about why dj made certain decisions about the characters and the way he wrote pendragon.

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